Banana Shake & Shiver
Although this recipe is rather simple to make, it’s going to hit the spot each & every time!
Continue reading →Although this recipe is rather simple to make, it’s going to hit the spot each & every time!
Continue reading →This is one of those recipes that’s easily interchangeable! You can mix & match the nuts & dried fruit. Figuring out which mix you like will be the biggest hurdle you’ll find!
Continue reading →There’s all sorts of recipes for green smoothies on the Internet. But until you’ve tried this one, you’ll forget all of the rest & this will become your favorite!
Continue reading →While this recipe has some sugar in it and isn’t made with 100% fruit juice, it still packs a powerful punch nutritionally! It’s a great way for your family to eat fruit!
Continue reading →Mornings can be so rushed that you forget to eat and/or drink anything. That’s not the way to start your day! This juice uses only three ingredients! Which means it won’t take up a lot of your time to make … Continue reading →
Umm…Chocolate in a mug? Plus cake, too? I’m pretty sure that this is one of those dessert’s that should be eaten prior to a meal instead of afterwards!
Continue reading →What a thirst quencher on a hot day! This is an Instapot recipe & that means it’s made much faster than traditional iced tea. That’s a win-win for you!
Continue reading →Wowser! What a way to cool off when the temps outside are in the high digits! This lemonade is refreshing by itself, but when you add that hint of jalapeño, it takes it to a whole new level!
Continue reading →The Greek Yogurt makes all the difference in this recipe! You don’t even need an ice cream maker, in order to make this recipe, you just need your appetite!
Continue reading →This drink is so refreshing! If you’re serving this Watermelon Lemonade, outside on a warm day, make extra so you can freeze some into ice cubes or an ice ring.
Continue reading →Traditional crêpes are a popular French dish made with a combination of flour & eggs. This extremely versatile, gluten free version omits the flour & creates a luscious wrap that you can savor with your favorite savory or sweet fillings!
Continue reading →The star in this flavorful & colorful fruit salad is the addition of Cotton Candy® grapes. This newer, super sweet variety delivers a very distinctive flavor worthy of its name!
Continue reading →This non-fat recipe is also Paleo and Grain Free! Cranberry sauce isn’t reserved just for just you turkey that rolls around once a year! It’s great with many other dishes that you serve to your family & friends!
Continue reading →Cranberries are considered a “super food”! They are a healthful food, due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content. Adding them to this salad kicks plain ole’ spinach up a notch!
Continue reading →This dessert recipe is gluten free and positively, absolutely delicioso!
Continue reading →There’s not many desserts that are easier to make than this one! Plus there’s not many desserts that taste as good as this one, either!
Continue reading →This is a very sweet juice that is perfect for those new to juicing! As you continue juicing regularly you may want to switch to a more vegetable based juice. But it is simple to make with just three ingredients!
Continue reading →This is a great way to get your daily greens without eating wheat grass!
Continue reading →Need a quick and healthy breakfast? This recipe goes down smoothly!
Continue reading →You can make this sorbet with any of your favorite fruits. Sliced strawberries, peaches, kiwi, bananas and mango’s work well! But really you can use just about any fruit of your choice! It tastes great no matter what kind of … Continue reading →