Guy on Fire
Guy on Fire
By Guy Fieri
William Morrow Cookbooks
Retail Price $29.99
Amazon Price: $18.95
Book Description:
This is an awesome cookbook. It is well written and I love the layout and design. It covers everything you need to know about outdoor cooking. This isn’t your regular cookbook! You will have at your fingertips all you need to know from equipment to use to what you will need to stock in your pantry. It is way more in depth than just grilling the best burger! It is full of great ideas and great tastes. Sometimes our imagination is limited. but Guy expands the universe of what we can do when cooking outdoors. I am sure you will enjoy the new ideas as much as I did. My boyfriend loves to cookout and tailgate, so has referenced this book so much. And just looking at the pictures is a very satisfying snack! If you are a fan of Guy’s show, you will love this book as well.
~Reviewed by Denisse A.